Saturday, December 15, 2007

More Journal Excerpts...

More unedited journal content. I struggle to make sense of what is happening. I am looking for answers, information. I am searching for an expert or even another family who can relate. Many times I am told by people I thought were my friends and even from my own family that it is me with the's me; not [Lynn]. So often I believe that. I buy into what they say. I feel I have failed as a mother and sometimes even as a wife. I start to give up but my faith in God gets me through. His mercy and His eternal promise gives me so much hope...I have spent countless hours in therapy myself only to learn that there are no answers for me just more questions. According to my therapist I am "healthy" own anxiety is "situational." Therapy helps me understand [Lynn]. It helps me understand myself and it helps me to be the mother she needs me to be.

June 1, 2005:
[Lynn's] moods swing from a normal state, to mania and extreme excitement to angry, agitated and frustrated. She will ask your opinion about something and then argue both sides contradicting herself.

She expresses anger by huffing and puffing. She will fidget with her body wildly and very theatrically. She will speak her mind with no concern for consequence. She then pierces you with an icy glare.

[Lynn] is very bright. She is obsessively, compulsively motivated. To the point of exhausting those around her. If [Lynn] has a school project to do, no one will hear the end of it until it is complete and done so to perfection.

Self Esteem:
[Lynn] gives off an attitude that she is in control; however, she really suffers from poor self esteem. It bothers her that she has difficulty maintaining friends.

The next several weeks were spent searching for a clinical psychologist and psychological assessment centers. I made countless calls...waited on hold; interviewed many professionals over the phone. Once I narrowed the list, I made appointments to interview them in person. I was in search of the best doctor for [Lynn] and for our family. I wanted to know what was involved in a "Formal, Psychological Evaluation" and what is the course for treatment. What are the short-term and what will the long-term prognosis be? How can we help her now and how can we prepare for the future?

During this time; we found a very experienced, caring psychologist who continues to follow her care and treatment. We also were able to rule out several options. We learned much and we also learned how much we don't know. We found a new psychiatrist and therapist. (We moved from Florida to Georgia during the Summer of 2005.) We then began the long search for a school for [Lynn].

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